access solutions

That's a Wrap for 2018!

As another busy year comes to an end, it is a time of reflection and gratitude…

On reflection, we have had the opportunity to work on a diverse range of projects, a small sample of what was achieved in 2018 is shown below.

And it is with gratitude that we thank all the wonderful clients, suppliers and contractors that we have had the pleasure of working with this year. We are looking forward to all the exciting projects in the pipeline for 2019.

And a huge thanks to all of our valued employees for their efforts and contribution throughout the year.

West Wylong Tank

Water Reservoir

Full perimeter scaffold for blast and paint works to be completed.

Goulburn Uniting Church

Goulburn Uniting Church

The Kedar Roof structure being craned into place on this multiphase project was a significant milestone. The weather proof membrane enabled interior works to proceed after the spire had been demolished.

More to come on this project in 2019.


Bloomfield Medical Centre

The BMC project team have been working hard for the last few months bringing this structure to life. This project is on track for completion in the new year.

Read more in the Central Western Daily;

Menindee Rail Bridge

Menindee Rail Bridge

Hung scaffold for bridge maintenance.

Newington College

Newington College

This 34m high cantilevered scaffold will provide safe and reliable access for restoration works on the spire of the Founders Building at Newington College this summer.

This project was completed last week, a wonderful achievement to finish out the working year.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
- From all the Team at Dunbar Scaffold Hire

That's a Wrap for 2018!

As another busy year comes to an end, it is a time of reflection and gratitude…

On reflection, we have had the opportunity to work on a diverse range of projects, a small sample of what was achieved in 2018 is shown below.

And it is with gratitude that we thank all the wonderful clients, suppliers and contractors that we have had the pleasure of working with this year. We are looking forward to all the exciting projects in the pipeline for 2019.

And a huge thanks to all of our valued employees for their efforts and contribution throughout the year.

West Wylong Tank

Water Reservoir

Full perimeter scaffold for blast and paint works to be completed.

Goulburn Uniting Church

Goulburn Uniting Church

The Kedar Roof structure being craned into place on this multiphase project was a significant milestone. The weather proof membrane enabled interior works to proceed after the spire had been demolished.

More to come on this project in 2019.


Bloomfield Medical Centre

The BMC project team have been working hard for the last few months bringing this structure to life. This project is on track for completion in the new year.

Read more in the Central Western Daily;

Menindee Rail Bridge

Menindee Rail Bridge

Hung scaffold for bridge maintenance.

Newington College

Newington College

This 34m high cantilevered scaffold will provide safe and reliable access for restoration works on the spire of the Founders Building at Newington College this summer.

This project was completed last week, a wonderful achievement to finish out the working year.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
- From all the Team at Dunbar Scaffold Hire

Team work and problem solving

This custom solution was designed and built to enable access for emergency maintenance.
Our team put their heads together and rose to the challenge; coming up with this mobile, cantilevered and hung scaffold that was able to access any point along the bridge.

A quick response time and the professional delivery made for a very happy client.

A shout out should also go to mother nature for a break in the weather!
The perfect way to top off the week, smiles on faces and a blue sky!

Mobile, cantilevered and hung scaffold to enable emergency bridge maintenance.

Mobile, cantilevered and hung scaffold to enable emergency bridge maintenance.

Investment in water, a safe bet for our future!

Dunbar Scaffold Hire are proud to be part of Hay Council's plans for the future supply of water to their community. Last week we completed access to the full height of a 25m high, 1 mega litre water storage tank. Once the restoration works are completed this tank will play an integral role in the supply of water to the local community, especially during the dryer months which can be so harsh in this area.